Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? I am very recent to blogging I started at the end of last year 2011 because I wanted to enter book challenges and they require you post reviews.
  2. What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?  I am currently reading a book by Bill and Susan Hayes called "Like Sands Through the Hourglass" as well as an ebook.  I do not have a favorite book that I have read.  I enjoyed the three books that start with Fifty Shades of Grey.
  3. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.  I collect autographs and usually have no problem asking for them but could only say "work" when I was close to Bob Denver (he said that on Doobie Gillis) and is better known as Gilligan.
  4. What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)? Mainly reviews for challenges.
  5. Where do you see your blog in five years?  I hope I am still able to read and type.
  6. Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read? Probably my review of Buried since the author liked it.
  7. If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?  I did eat dinner at the same time as Margaret Sutton so it would have to be her character, Judy Bolton.  I am a member of the Judy Bolton Yahoo Group and love Margaret's books.
  8. What literary location would you most like to visit? Why? I have visited a lot of Judy Bolton locations so it would have to be Dragon's Mouth which is part of Yellowstone.  Would be able to see Old Faithful also and it is reachable without flying.
  9. What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?  I would have to say getting to know what is coming out and figuring which ones to buy.  I enjoy the ones I read.
  10. Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?  I have read books I would never have thought of buying like the Fifty Shades of Grey that deals with an area I would not have read about or would have been willing to discuss.  The subject matter of the Fifty books is not one that would have been discussed on talk shows or in public.  I have also been reading in genres I would not have read any books in because of a challenge I entered.


  1. You are so brave! I haven't been able to pick up Fifty Shades of Gray, the hype and the subject matter scare me off.

  2. I haven't read Fifty Shades of Gray either, but it's just one of those genres I'm not into at all. Book blogging has definitely stretched me to read new things though. :)

  3. I haven't been all that interested in Fifty Shades of Gray because it isn't really my genre, but I have heard a lot about the books....

  4. Being able to read and type. I think that's a worthy goal...and in important one! Glad to meet you. Hope you enjoy Armchair BEA! My BEA Post

  5. I just finished today the first book - Fifty Shades of Grey and I liked it :) :) Looking forward to read the others in the serie :) :) Enjoy aBEA!! :) ;)

  6. I really hope that I get to go to Yellowstone someday!

  7. Welcome to Armchair BEA, I hope you are enjoying it!
