Cat Spitting Mad fits some of my challenges: C of The A-Z Reading Challenge, What's In a Name 6 (emotion - Mad), What an Animal Challenge and it is considered a cozy mystery.
Shirley Rousseau Murphy has created housecats who can read, speak and use the phone. They also have a sense of justice. When the Chief of Police, Max Harper is accused of a double murder they have to investigate. Joining them is a kitten they call "Kit". They are also trying to find Dillon who was probably the only witness to the killings. There is also a cougar on the loose and Lee Wark, an escaped convict who threatened to kill the kittens among others.
Throughout the book, the adventures of the cats are followed as they track down clues and eventually help their humans find Dillon and help solve the double murder. They seem more human at times than cats.
As the human of three very different cats, there are times I wish they would talk to me and tell me what they want or need. It would be very helpful. This is not a book for someone who does not like cats! I am glad the cat mystery group on yahoo picked this book as a February read.